Postat av: Mr brown

Naaaw your Mine too !! <3 I love the picture as well but I think it's the otherway around , I should be the one on tip toes !! Haha love you baby !! See you tomorrow puss och kram ! 

2011-01-13 @ 08:33:27
Postat av: Mika

Haha!! You're making it sound like I'm a giant. Well giant or not we'll be back together tomorrow, standing on each others toes. Can't wait baby! Puss och kram <3

2011-01-13 @ 15:13:47
Postat av: Anonym

haha or me a midget ! 24 hours left my love !!!!! puss och kram <3

2011-01-13 @ 21:35:36

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