love you longtime ♥

Today it's four months ago since I woke up with a terrible hangover from snaps in Dalarna. At that time all I could think of was a big glass of water. I didn't realise then that I had met the world's most wonderful man for the first time the day before. But I know that now. I'm so glad I found you, or you found me. And I look forward to many more months together with you. Love you always. ♥

Postat av: Danny

Nawww honey i feel the same way :) can't imagine being without you now and I don't want to ! You have made me so happy and I hope you feel the same :) looking forward to the years to come with you :) love you always honey ! X x x

2010-10-26 @ 12:25:39
Postat av: Pia

Men jag blir ju alldeles rörd, ni är så fina! Sötnosar!

2010-10-26 @ 17:43:41

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