iphone saves lives.

Här följer en demonstration om hur det är att vara tillsammans med en man i ett annat land.

Mr Browns says:
Hey honey!! I just beat you highscore, lol! What are you up to princess?

Mika says:
Heeej baby!! I'm out having this fantastic kebab-tallrik. Mmmmnamnamanm.

Mr Brown says:
 You got me all hungry. I ordered in some thai food. Yummy!

Mika says:
That's good honey! I just got home again. Put a facemask on and listening to some music. Good times! How was your food? Time for bed soon. Miss you loads!!

Mr Brown says:
Lol, you look pretty as always! Food was great. I'm having a relaxing bath, then i'm off to bed as well. Miss you too babe!! Just a few days left now!! <3

Mika says:
Heeej cutie! Yes, i'm gonna start counting the hours!! I'm ready for bed now honey. Sov gott!! Puss och kram. Love you always <3

Mr Brown ringer upp och säger god natt!

Postat av: Mr brown !

Haha Mika !!! A work of art my love <3 a day in the life of Mika and Danny :) quite comical when u put It together like this ! Love you baby just a couple of days to go :D x x x

2010-11-15 @ 23:43:20

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